If you haven't yet deployed IoT-HSM, see the installation documentation to get started.
Create a CA with an HSM Key on
In order for a certificate authority on to delegate signing operations to a YubiKey managed by IoT-HSM, it must first be provisioned to do so. The first step in this process is to select the "HSM" option as the "Key Type" when creating a new certificate authority on the Certificate Authorities -> Create new CA page.
Retrieve HSM Provisioning Certificate from
After clicking "Create New CA," the browser will navigate to a page showing the "HSM Provisioning Certificate." This will be used as a template to configure the new CA on one of the YubiKey slots.
Note: If at any time you need to navigate back to this page, go to Certificate Authorities -> Manage CAs, click on the CA and select "Download HSM Provisioning Certificate" from the menu.
Prepare the Private Key on the IoT-HSM
Login to the IoT-HSM. From the "HSM Options..." dropdown, choose "Provision a New Slot." This will navigate to the provisioning wizard. Choose the slot to provision and a key option. The "Generate" option (recommended) will generate a new private key on the YubiKey slot using the "Key Type" option provided. The "Import" option allows an existing private key to be imported to the YubiKey slot. This option should only be used when the private key has been handled with extreme care and is ideal under circumstances when it is important to have a backup of the private key or if multiple IoT-HSMs will be provisioned with the same private key for redundancy.
Import the HSM Provisioning Certificate to the IoT-HSM
Self-Signed Root CA
After preparing the private key, the next page in the provisioning wizard is where the "HSM Provisioning Certificate" generated in a previous step will be submitted. If a self-signed root CA is being generated, leave the first option selected, paste the provisioning certificate into the text area, and click submit.
Intermediate CA
If this CA will be an intermediate CA, select the option to generate a CSR, paste the provisioning certificate into the text area, and click submit. A modal will appear with a CSR that will need to be signed by the root CA issuing the certificate for this intermediate. Finally, select the last option in the dropdown and paste the certificate signed by the root using the provided CSR and click submit.
Note: If at any time you need to navigate back to this page, go to the IoT-HSM home page, select the slot being provisioned from the "Configured Slots..." drop down, and click "Complete Provisioning."
Import the New Certificate from the IoT-HSM to
Navigate to the IoT-HSM home page. Select the newly provisioned slot from the "Configured Slots..." drop down and click "View Certificate." Copy the certificate to the clipboard and on, navigate to Certificate Authorities -> Manage CAs, click on the CA being provisioned, and select "Import Signed Certificate." Paste the certificate copied from the IoT-HSM into the text area and click "Import Certificate." A prompt will appear instructing to restart the IoT-HSM device. On the IoT-HSM home page, click "Reload" in the navigation bar at the top. Click "Import Certificate" again on the import signed CA page. If the imported certificate is an intermediate CA and is unable to download the certificate chain, a modal will appear prompting for the chain, including all intermediates and the root, to be supplied before the import can be completed.
Provisioning Complete
When the steps have all be completed successfully, all signing requests for the provisioned CA will be delegated to the YubiKey on the IoT-HSM. Signing operations will fail if the IoT-HSM is not online with the YubiKey inserted.